The Ahafo Ano South West District (AASWD) is of the Forty-three (43) Political Administrative Districts in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The District is located in the North-Western part of the Ashanti Region covering an area of approximately 1,190.7km2 representing 4.9 percent of the entire Ashanti Region (24,370.5km2), the eighth largest in the Region. Ahafo Ano South West District was carved out of the Ahafo Ano South District in March 2018 by the Legislative Instrument 2323 in 2018 (LI 2323, 2018). Its capital is sited at Mankranso, about 34km North-West from Kumasi and lies on the main Kumasi-Sunyani highway. The District was inaugurated and commenced operations on Tuesday, 13th March, 2018. The District has 107 Communities which are divided into 5 Area Councils and further subdivided into 29 Electoral Areas.
AASWDA aspires to be “First Class Local Government Institution” focused on providing excellent service delivery to meet the socio-economic development needs of the people.
The Mission of AASWDA is to improve the living standards of the People in the District through the implementation of pragmatic programmes, projects and activities targeted at addressing the infrastructural, socio-economic, and other identified development gaps to meet the aspirations of its citizens.
The Assembly shall sponsor the education of students from the District to fill particular manpower needs of the District especially in the Social Sectors of Education and Health, making sure that the sponsorship is fairly and equitably balanced between male and female Students;
Formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the District;
Initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the District;
Promote the maintenance of security and public safety in the District in co-operation with the appropriate national and local security agencies.