Business Operating Permit
It is expected that every business within the AASWDA’s jurisdiction obtains a Business Operation Permit.
As the name sounds, a Business operating permit is a license that enables you to undertake/do business in the DISTRICT.
In order to fast track the process of acquiring a business Operating Permit and do business with ease within the district, the Assembly has put in the following measures in place
Acquisition of BOP: How to Apply
- Pay for the form and provide necessary information for filling of the form
- Take Certificate at the Revenue Office at the main office.
- Must have registered with the Registrar General's Department and have been issued with Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate to commence Business.
- Registration and permit(s) from Government Agencies/Recognized Association(s) as may be applicable.
Processing Procedure
Please Note:
Other Business Licenses includes:
- Hawkers licence
- Beer and Wine Sellers licence
- Petroleum Installations licence
- Palm-wine and Akpeteshie Distillers or Sellers licences
- Herbalists’ licences
- Lorry Park Overseers licences
- Hotels and Restaurants licences